Saturday, October 13, 2007


We have abundant, clear explanations from our elders, tapasvis’ and great pundits on relevance and importance of Vedic studies by Brahmins.

However, it is very difficult in implementing them though we have great faith in the proponents of the thought. Everybody would recall Mahaperiaval’s painful observation during his life-time that there is only a handful to pursue Adhyayanam in Patashala’s not owing to penury.

It is felt that if the freshly passed out Veda-Adhyayi s’ are offered a good ‘interface’ to the modern world, the admissions and turn-outs of Adhyayi s’ would be better - quantitative and qualitative. They shall have options of livelihood by pursuing Vaideekam or other opportunities or both.

That the fresh passed out Veda-Adhyayi s’, would have the basic moorings of Aasthikam, Vedic Practices, practices of fooding and dressing, it is sure that they can

Become ambassadors of the Vedic community among his family and friends.
Become inspirations to ‘fence – sitters’ category among family and friends.
Mingle among the Vaideekas and the absolute Loukikas with equal ease and would bridge the huge gap prevalent now.
Perform most anushtanam outlined in the shastras and create healthy situation for others in his family and friends circle to show inclination in performance of anushtanam s’.
Creating a satsangam more frequently in the family and place of work to look beyond this fast, modern and materialistic world.

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