Saturday, October 13, 2007

Present situation

Consider the inputs according to one Vedic pundit. (Data not authenticated)
Break-up of vidyarthis joining Veda-Adhyayanam:
80% join because their parents have poor affordability / no family support or similar reasons
15% join because their father themselves have undergone Vedic studies and hence have no or little inhibition and it is natural for them. (It is to note that not all the children of Veda – adhyayi’s take up Adhyayanam.)
5% (The fence sitters???) join for reasons apart from the above; for the pure reason – to follow ‘sva-dharma’ and ‘self-upliftment’.
Break-up of qualifications pursued:
‘A’ - 30% drop-out with in couple of years of joining the course
‘B’- 50% go on to finish the 1st stage viz ‘kramantham’ or equivalent
‘C’- 15% go on to finish the 2nd stage viz ‘Ganantham’ or equivalent
‘D’- 5% learn Bashyam and other specialties
Entire ‘A’ opts for Vaideekam as their source of livelihood.
‘B’ opts for Vaideekam and Vedaparayanam as their source of livelihood.
‘C & D’ do Vaideekam, Vedaparayanam and special Homams.
Miniscule interesting population from the above, after completing basic Veda-Adhyayanam has taken up other profitable profession also. They are teachers, chartered accountants, clerks, discourse specialists, HR/Management consultants and others.

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