Saturday, February 9, 2008

Samhita - The Interface

We are very glad to announce that His Holiness of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetam has blessed the name of "Samhita" to this project.

A dedicate website is being prepared shall be put in place shortly. We blocked the domains and

Samhita - The Interface is very keen to start its operations at the earliest and is in the process of recruiting teachers.

We request you all to recommend teachers for this noble cause. The advertisement for recruitment of teachers shall shortly appear on dailies and the local tabloids. Kindly spread this message across to your family and friends so that we might get teachers at the earliest.

1 comment:

sury siva said...

By sheer Divine Will, I have been fortunate enough to meet you at efforts are indeed laudable. I am sure with the Will and Grace of Almighty in abundance you will be able to fulfill all the tasks you have charted out.
God Bless you.
Suryanarayanan S.
98404 61667